Workfront recently announced its acquisition of Atiim, a leading OKR (Objectives and Key Results) vendor. It plans to offer an integrated tool set called Workfront Goals...
Use this blueprint to plan and carry out your PPM solution selection and implementation project. This blueprint will help you choose the solution that is most appropriate...
Read this Executive Brief to understand why it is important to carefully plan out the project portfolio management (PPM) solution selection and implementation process....
Use this template to create a project charter for your PPM solution selection and implementation project.
Use this template to create a work breakdown structure for your PPM solution selection and implementation project.
Use this tool to record and organize your business and technical requirements for a PPM solution.
Use this tool to estimate the amount of resources required to use and maintain the proposed commercial PPM solution and (if applicable) to document the amount of...
Use this template to create a request for proposal (RFP) document to be used in the selection process of this project.
Use this tool to record core goals to be achieved through the new PPM solution and how attainment of these goals will be measured. It will also allow you to record the...
Use this tool to determine which Info-Tech PPM Vendor Landscape use case is the most appropriate for your organization based on factors such as size and PPM maturity.