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NetDocuments: How AI Is Used in Document Automation and Review by Law Firms

  1. Introduction: NetDocuments is a cloud-first, cloud-only content management platform that provides secure and organized solutions for automating and collaborating on legal workflows. It offers a range of applications addressing common legal challenges through AI and automation technology.
  2. Features:
    • PatternBuilder MAX: A suite of apps designed to streamline legal workflows.
    • Security: Award-winning protection for data across devices, ensuring compliance and safeguarding against threats.
    • Integration: Compatibility with existing software and daily tools such as Microsoft Teams and Outlook, facilitated by built-in tools, seamless integrations, and open APIs.
    • Innovation: Lawyer-inspired solutions focused on intuitive user experiences and high adoption rates.
    • Scalability: Cloud-based platform with over 20 years of experience, ready to deliver large-scale solutions.
    • Productivity: Tools for document management, email management, and OCR tailored for legal professionals.
  3. Challenge: The company addresses the critical need for secure and efficient document management in the legal sector, where security breaches and inefficient workflows can significantly impact firm competitiveness and client satisfaction.
  4. Benefits:
    • Enhanced Security: Protects sensitive legal documents from internal and external threats.
    • Improved Productivity: Streamlines legal processes for higher-value work.
    • Seamless Collaboration: Facilitates teamwork with industry-leading document management solutions.
    • Compliance Assurance: Ensures adherence to regulatory standards.
  5. Recommendations:
    • Use PatternBuilder MAX for drafting and reviewing legal documents.
    • Leverage the security features for data protection and compliance.
    • Integrate NetDocuments with daily tools for a unified workflow.
    • Explore whitepapers and webinars for advanced insights and best practices.

For more information, visit NetDocuments.

This summary is produced using Microsoft Copilot.

Featured Speaker

Robert Garmaise

Vice President, AI Research
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