Design and Build a User-Facing Service Catalog

Improve user satisfaction with IT with a convenient menu-like catalog.

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Many organizations offer IT services in a very ad hoc fashion:

  • There is no formal structure to the way services are offered.
  • Business users have little knowledge of what IT services are available to them.
  • Creating a service catalog is a difficult task with low success rates and without a defined methodology.

A user-facing Service Catalog helps IT and business users in the following ways:

  • IT users communicate all the services that IT provides to the business
  • IT users concentrate more on high-value IT services
  • IT users can reduce shadow IT and gain control of services
  • Business users will access IT services with ease
  • Business users will empower themselves to self-serve
  • Business users will gain transparency on IT services provided

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Module 1: Launch the Project

The Purpose

  • The purpose of this module is to help engage IT with business decision making.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • This module will help build a foundation for the project to begin. The buy-in from key stakeholders is key to having them take onus on the project’s completion.

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Assemble the project team.
  • A list of project members, stakeholders, and a project leader.
1.2 Develop a communication plan.
  • A change message, communication strategy, and defined benefits for each user group.
1.3 Establish metrics for success.
  • Metrics used to monitor the usefulness of the catalog, both from a performance and monetary perspective.
1.4 Complete the project charter.
  • A completed project charter to engage users in the initiative.

Module 2: Identify and Define Enterprise Services

The Purpose

The purpose of this module is to review services which are offered across the entire organization.

Key Benefits Achieved

A complete list of enterprise services defined from the user’s perspective to help them understand what is available to them.

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Identify enterprise services used by almost everyone across the organization.
  • A complete understanding of enterprise services for both IT service providers and business users.
2.2 Categorize services into logical groups.
  • Logical groups for organizing the services in the catalog.
2.3 Define the services from the user’s perspective.
  • Completed definitions in business language, preferably reviewed by business users.

Module 3: Identify and Define Line of Business (LOB) Services

The Purpose

The purpose of this module is to define the remaining LOB services for business users, and separate them into functional groups.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Business users are not cluttered with LOB definitions that do not pertain to their business activities.
  • Business users are provided with only relevant IT information.

Activities: Outputs:
3.1 Identify the LOBs.
  • A structured view of the different functional groups within the business.
3.2 Determine which one of two methodologies is more suitable.
  • An easy to follow process for identifying all services for each LOB.
3.3 Identify LOB services using appropriate methodology.
  • A list of every service for each LOB.
3.4 Define services from a user perspective.
  • Completed definitions in business language, preferably reviewed by business users.

Module 4: Complete the Full Service Definitions

The Purpose

  • The purpose of this module is to guide the client to completing their service record definitions completely.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • This module will finalize the deliverable for the client by defining every user-facing service in novice terms.

Activities: Outputs:
4.1 Understand the components to each service definition (information fields).
  • A selection of information fields to be included in the service catalog.
4.2 Pick which information to include in each definition.
  • A selection of information fields to be included in the service catalog.
4.3 Complete the service definitions.
  • A completed service record design, ready to be implemented with the right tool.
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