Tools alone don’t make great requirements. Requirements are a team sport and the team must collectively own and commit to delivering them for BizDevOps to be successful.
Companies that support customers through tough times build stronger relationships and loyalty. Develop a deeper understanding of the opportunities and threats facing your...
“Being Agile” enables the delivery of the right value at the right time. When most people talk about delivering the right value at the right time, they think about the...
Agile skills require an evolution in people’s soft skills and behaviors. Handling ambiguity, being agreeable, and being extroverted are some of what’s important for an...
IIBA understands that it must continue to innovate to serve its members and help them succeed within their organizations.
We build products wrong and fix them later but won’t take a fraction of that time to get it right the first time. No wonder our projects end up four times as large as our...
Platform product owners struggle to develop a product roadmap and prioritize backlog items when their system supports multiple external products across business lines.
Aha has deepened its integration with Jira via new support for linking not only issues/features but also their respective dependencies, thereby improving overall...
Crosscode is an application analysis and dependency-mapping tool. This kind of tool will become increasingly prevalent as an important component of DevOps toolchains.
Aha! has improved its integration with Azure DevOps to improve release and sprint visibility for both developers and stakeholders.