NFRs – The Overlooked, Critical Requirements Type

When teams are refining their product backlog, the focus is usually around new features (functional requirements) and sometimes technical debt. Yet when it comes to user...

Use Your Corporate Blog to Provide Value, Not Self-Promotion

Your blog is more than a place to advertise new features, it’s an opportunity to provide real value to your target audience. Value builds trust, and trust leads to sales.

Blueprint Software Bridges the Gap in Compliance Requirements

Blueprint Software integrates financial services regulatory requirements into its core platform for easier traceability. Extends Confluence for Design

Build out your collaboration tool chain to include diagram and design capabilities. An image is worth a thousand words in a requirements document.

Agile Doesn’t Mean No Requirements

Too many teams are “doing Agile” and mistakenly think that interactions over comprehensive documents means no more requirements. That may be true in a world of “Badgile,”...

Merging Aha! Product Management With Microsoft Teams Delivery

One of the ongoing challenges in software delivery continues to be managing information across multiple systems of record in the delivery tool chain. The best approach...

Move/Add/Change Request Form

Trying to manage unscheduled moves, adds, and changes (MACs) to desktop systems and user accounts can be one of IT's biggest headaches. Use a move/add/change request form...

Create a Winning BPI Playbook – Phase 5: Implement

This phase of the blueprint will define the future-state process map and build an implementation plan that includes direction for monitoring the changes made to the...

Create a Winning BPI Playbook – Phase 4: Design

This phase of the blueprint involves creating a design for process improvements which are drawn directly from the conclusions in Phase 3.

Create a Winning BPI Playbook – Phase 3: Analyze

This phase of the blueprint will assist in analyzing the current-state diagram that was constructed in the previous phase.
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