This phase of the blueprint, Make Development Teams Leaner and Improve Time-to-Release In Five Steps, will help you customize principles and practices to address...
Use the Lean Implementation Roadmap Template to ensure your team and stakeholders understand how and why you are becoming leaner.
This phase of the blueprint, Make Development Teams Leaner and Improve Time-to-Release In Five Steps, will help you identify the inefficiencies, bottlenecks, and other...
This storyboard will help you a conduct comprehensive assessment of your development environment in order to alleviate your bottlenecks, achieve quicker time-to-release,...
Read this Executive Brief to understand why and how lean principles can help streamline your development process while maintaining high quality.
Improve application development throughput by applying lean principles to help your organization implement source code control, automated build, and continuous integration.
Robotic process automation (RPA) became a forefront initiative for many organizations looking to streamline and automate business operations. FPT akaBot emerged as a...
Use this template to help document your communication and roadmap plan for your integrated portfolio dashboard.
Bound by your organizing principles, bring your projects and applications together under a single dashboard. Once defined, determine the rollout and communication plan...
Get a deeper understanding of what makes up your organizing principle before learning about the applications and projects that are aligned with your principles.