Corporate Compliance Officer

The role of the Corporate Compliance Officer is to oversee and review all legal technology issues across the organization. This includes providing objective assessments...

Chief Privacy Officer

The role of the Chief Privacy Officer is to provide vision and leadership for developing and supporting initiatives critical to the organization's information privacy...

IT Skills Inventory and Needs Assessment Tool

Reducing headcount is a mentally and emotionally challenging task under any circumstance. Use this tool to take a systematic, skills-focused approach to making staff...

Quality IT Communication with Stakeholders is Key to Success

It is essential for all CIOs to maintain quality communication with core business stakeholders in order to build strong relationships and establish trust. Consistent...

Storyboard: Use Applications Metrics That Matter

Applications management is a delicate balance, and metrics help maintain that balance. It all begins with measuring quality and customer satisfaction.

IT Cost-Cutting Tactics for Coping with a Down Economy

This is a collection of published Info-Tech research specifically designed to help IT identify areas for IT cost-cutting, along with tactics on how to achieve cost...

Target Ratio, Mix, and Metric Generator

The majority of IT departments spend 66% of their time performing operational activity and 34% of their time on strategic activity. Shifting more focus to strategic...

Handling Senior Management Expectations

Often, IT makes wrong assumptions about what senior managers expect of the department and how it actually performs against those expectations. As a result, IT leaders...

Senior Management Expectation Survey

Use the following survey to evaluate senior management's expectations of IT.

Governing Shared Services

Organizations pursue shared services to reduce costs and increase quality. However, ineffective governance frequently undermines the benefits of shared services, with...
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