With substantial grant funds now made available by the American Rescue Plan (ARP), the need for a strategic and structured approach to grant writing is crucial for...
The American Rescue Plan is injecting billions of dollars into the economy. Use this opportunity to reassess priorities, identify budget needs, make your case,...
Watch this webinar recording to learn why you need a work-from-anywhere strategy and how to build a strategy that will provide value to the business.
Our handpicked selection of research from the second quarter of 2021.
Build key visuals to communicate your IT strategy high priority initiatives, business alignment, and roadmap effectively to all stakeholder groups.
Simple, appealing, and inspirational communication is key to building a successful IT Strategy. Leverage Info-Tech's IT Strategy Presentation Template to build your best...
Use this storyboard to learn about Info-Tech's approach to building an IT strategy, including scope, past performance, building your key initiative plan and operational...
IT service providers are keen to offer services beyond infrastructure management, backup and recovery, and technical support. They're looking up the value chain from...
Leaders have acknowledged the impact that culture has on organizational climate. Use this template to guide managers through facilitation meetings with their teams that...