Start Making Data-Driven People Decisions

There is a statistically significant relationship between analytics used and overall effectiveness for IT departments, but IT leaders know they are missing out by not...
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People Analytics Strategy Template

Use this template to capture the information compiled by following the steps in the people analytics checklist.

Maintain Employee Engagement During the COVID-19 Pandemic Storyboard

Employee engagement is most at risk during times of uncertainty. It's crucial for HR and non-HR leaders to focus on adapting efforts to support workplace changes....

HR Action and Communication Plan

​Prepare a comprehensive action plan to keep the project on track and launch the recognition program.

Crisis Communication Guides

Use these guides to create company communications that are calm and transparent and reinforce the business continuity plan.

Effectively Recognize IT Employees

You’re busy – don’t make your recognition program more complicated than it needs to be. Focus on day-to-day ideas and actively embed recognition into your IT team’s culture.
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Effectively Recognize IT Employees – Executive Brief

Make the case to revitalize a recognition program if your department is struggling. Explain how the recognition project will be accomplished.

Effectively Recognize IT Employees – Phases 1-3

Follow Info-Tech's straightforward best practices to rapidly build an IT recognition program that drives team effectiveness – without the big financial or time investment.

Effectively Recognize IT Employees – Phase 1: Assess the Current Recognition Landscape

This phase will walk you through the data collection necessary to understand the current perceptions around recognition practices in the organization and determine the...

Effectively Recognize IT Employees – Phase 2: Design the Recognition Program

This phase of the blueprint will help you to develop the structure and processes to enable effective recognition in your IT organization.
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