Cost & Budget Management - Blueprints

Increase Grant Application Success

This research was created to support organizations' abilities to create and deliver services and programs to their members and communities by securing grant funding. It...
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Take Control of Cloud Costs on Microsoft Azure

Develop processes, procedures, and policies to effectively manage cloud costs.
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Take Control of Cloud Costs on AWS

Develop processes, procedures, and policies to effectively manage cloud costs.
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Start Making Data-Driven People Decisions

There is a statistically significant relationship between analytics used and overall effectiveness for IT departments, but IT leaders know they are missing out by not...
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Cost-Reduction Planning for IT Vendors

The speed at which IT leaders need to reduce costs is unprecedented. IT faces a momentous challenge to identify and prioritize cost-reduction measures that don’t...

Manage an IT Budget

IT departments are often viewed as cost centers that always ask for more budget. To deliver value and increase business satisfaction, IT needs a reliable budget...
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Implement an IT Chargeback System

IT needs to recover its costs from those that use IT services with a fair and transparent approach. Develop a chargeback model that explains IT costs in a way that...
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Establish a Service-Based Costing Model

Service-based costing brings clarity to IT expenditures and visibility to IT consumption. However, overcoming the challenges of service-based costing requires a logical...
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