Cost & Budget Management - Storyboard

Implement IT Chargeback – Phase 4: Revise

In the revise phase, you will gather and analyze feedback from business owners. Necessary modifications will be made to the chargeback model and the implications will be...

Implement IT Chargeback – Phase 3: Implement

In the implement phase, you will communicate the rollout of the IT chargeback model and establish a process for recovering IT service costs from business units.

Implement IT Chargeback – Phase 2: Define

In the define phase, you will develop a chargeback model. Activities include identifying user-facing IT services, allocating IT costs to services, and then setting up the...

Implement IT Chargeback – Phase 1: Launch

In the launch phase, you will make the case for IT chargeback. You will then assess the financial maturity of the organization and identify a pathway to success. Lastly,...

Implement an IT Chargeback System – Phases 1-4

This storyboard will help you develop an IT chargeback program that establishes IT cost transparency and accountability for the consumption of IT services.

Storyboard: Establish a Service-Based Costing Model

Service-based costing brings clarity to IT expenditures and visibility to IT consumption. However, overcoming the challenges of service-based costing requires a logical...
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