Invest time and energy into a pilot and lower implementation risk, enhance the details and steps within a process, and improve stakeholder relations prior to a full scale...
Use this template to record your resource management strategy including the standard operating procedures for the process that implements the strategy.
This template will help you compose a comprehensive PPM strategy. It includes an executive brief to establish the need for PPM, a plan for process improvement, and an...
Present the changes to the benefits realization process to key stakeholders.
This template can be used alongside the activities in the Maximize Business Value blueprint to set up meetings, send the business value statement, and send follow-up emails.
This template can be used to document your organization's business value drivers, along with the mission and vision of the organization.
Use this template to create a project charter for medium-sized, moderate-risk projects.
This document helps you store, present, and utilize the information in your minimum viable business case.
Use the Transition Team Communications Template to capture and communicate the what, where, when, how, and whom of an organizational change initiative.
Use this template to create an IT steering committee charter.