Value & Performance - Tools

Organizational Change Management Playbook

Use this Organizational Change Management Playbook to institute and continue to improve best practices around organizational change.

New Employee Cost Calculator

Recruiting new employees should be preceded by a clear understanding of the full costs of current employees in relation to those of each new hire. This is an exercise...

Quality Management Capability Assessment and Planning Tool

Assess your current quality management maturity.

Quality Management Review Template

Use this template to form a standard quality review template that can be used to periodically review the performance of the quality initiatives in your key IT practice areas.

Quality Management Dashboard Template

Use this dashboard to track your quality management metrics.

Quality Management Readiness Assessment Template

Use this tool to determine if your IT department is ready for the change associated with the quality management program.

Quality Management Practice Area Assessment and Planning Tool

Assess the current quality management maturity of each IT practice area.

Quality Management Capability Improvement Plan

Use this tool to track your quality management improvement initiatives.

IT Competency Library

Use this tool to learn about IT competencies and develop your organization's own functional IT competency framework.

Project Planning and Monitoring Tool

The beginning stages of the project are dedicated to working out the details of the project task schedule. Take advantage of this tool to determine and create a detailed...
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