Use this document to learn and practice planning, composing, and delivering communications to any one in your organization (up, down, and across).
The purpose of this blueprint is to support any IT employee planning, composing, and delivering IT communications to audiences up, down, and across your organization in...
Focus. It’s a simple word; one that evokes a state of being where the complex seems simple and the many seem few. In my experience working with I&IT leaders over the past...
Info-Tech's Security Policy templates allow you to easily develop new policy documents.
This short research piece highlights the top metrics for every CIO, how those align to your CIO priorities, and action steps against those metrics.
As a CIO, there is an endless list of metrics that could be measured. Be strategic and measure the key aspects that tie to your priorities as a CIO. Focus on metrics...
Any I&IT leader in local government charged with driving transformation will inevitably have some level of engagement with their municipal council. The interactions can...
This worksheet allows you to list the stakeholders and their priority in order to establish how you want to engage with them.
This blueprint helps you to establish a relationship with your stakeholders, both within and outside of IT. You’ll learn how to embed relationship management throughout...
Customize this tool to obtain buy in from leadership and other stakeholders. As you continue through the blueprint, continue to leverage this template to communicate what...