IT Governance, Risk & Compliance - Templates & Policies

Cross-Functional Sustainability Committee Charter

Use this charter template to create a Cross-Functional Sustainability Committee.

Data and Analytics Governance Committee Charter

Use this charter template as a baseline to create a Data & Analytics Governance Committee.

Level 2 Project Charter Template

Use this template to create a project charter for medium-sized, moderate-risk projects.

IT Steering Committee Charter

Use this template to create an IT steering committee charter.

Risk Report

Create a succinct, impactful document that summarizes the outcomes from the risk assessment and highlights the IT risk council’s top recommendations to the senior...

Risk Management Program Manual

Formalizing a risk management program requires creating repeatable and iterative processes, and documenting best practices. Create a comprehensive manual to serve as the...

Risk Event Action Plan

Integrate IT risk management with business risk management by creating a paper trail for key risks.

Anti-Corruption Policy

The anti-corruption policy will outline the ethical and behavioral expectations of a corporation.

Information Technology Standards Policy

The IT standards policy organizes standards by technology category, distinguishes standards from preferred products, and documents products or policy standards that...

Audit Log Review Policy

The audit log review policy will outline the standards across company systems for the review of audit logs.
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