Build Business-Aligned Privacy Programs for Higher Education Institutions

College students are living in environments that increasingly require regular interaction with information technology and data. Students are wary of privacy risks and...
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Align IT With Institutional Priorities for Student Experience Storyboard

Leverage this research presentation to learn about IT's role in supporting student experience initiatives at colleges and universities.

Align IT With Institutional Priorities for Student Experience

Technology has an important role to play in improving the student experience. However, the current technology ecosystem of most institutions is not able to meet the...

Identify a Resilient Approach to the Future of Your Higher Education ERP Storyboard

Resiliency resides in the approach the IT department takes to the ERP and not in the technology itself.

Identify a Resilient Approach to the Future of Your Higher Education ERP

Review five approaches to address the challenge of ERP renewal in Higher Education: Single Vendor, Best of Breed, Data Ecosystem, Multi-Tenant, or Deprioritize the ERP.

The Future of K-12 Education Trends Report

Read our trends report to understand the changing IT landscape in K-12 education and discover what technology needs to be budgeted and met by CIOs.

The Future of K-12 Education

In K-12 schools and districts, technology has traditionally been seen as secondary to the primary focus of education. This is a challenge for IT departments because they...

Develop and Mature an Esports Program in Education

Esports is becoming a major trend in the education industry. IT is often involved in its development due to esports’ technical nature. Info-Tech’s approach to the...

Support a Data-Driven Student Retention Program

Identify the student retention goals of the institution. Assess the challenges that end users face with their technology, as well as any issues with their data and...
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Develop and Mature an Esports Program in Education Storyboard

This research supports IT and its involvement in an esports program for education at a school, college, or university.
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