AI Use Case Library for Federal Government Storyboard

Identify value-driven Gen AI use cases to transform your organization.

AI Use Case Library for Federal Government

This overview of AI use cases in Federal Government provides insights into the latest and most impactful Gen AI use cases focused on six sources of value.

Meet the US Federal Executive Services Leadership Team

Info-Tech’s US Federal Executive Services team provides creative solutions tailored to meet the respective maturity, personnel skills, and risk tolerance requirements of...

Exploring Opportunities for Acceleration From the Office of the Auditor General of Canada's '2023 Report 7 – Modernizing Information Technology Systems'

We outline our point of view on the current state of modernization in the Canadian federal government and offer our latest playbook and frameworks to support GC leaders...

Use Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to Improve Population Health Outcomes

Digital technologies and artificial intelligence (AI), particularly machine learning, are transforming medicine, healthcare services, and public health practice. The...

Define Your Cloud Vision for Federal Government – Phases 1-4

Define your cloud vision before it defines you.

Define Your Cloud Vision for Federal Government

Moving to the cloud can be a daunting and risky decision and may not always be cheaper, better, or even available for every use case. It requires effort to properly...
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Technical Debt Executive Summary Presentation for Government IT

Use this template to outline key findings about your organization’s critical technical debts in a presentation suited to an executive audience.

Identify the Impact of Technical Debt on Government Department/Agency IT Operations

This report aims to highlight the impact of technical debt within the federal IT environment and strives to provide in-depth insights into managing and mitigating these...
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Identify the Impact of Technical Debt on Government Department/Agency IT Operations – Phases 1-3

Use the tools within this report to define and identify your technical debt, focusing on tech debt you believe you can actually fix.
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