The Role of Social Determinants of Health in Value-Based Care Delivery

This deck provides an overview of the role of social determinants of health (SDOH) as a primary approach to supporting the triple aim through value-based care delivery.

The Role of Social Determinants of Health in Value-Based Care Delivery Storyboard

This deck provides an overview of the role of social determinants of health as a primary approach to supporting the triple aim in value-based care delivery.

Public Health Practice Business Reference Architecture

An industry reference architecture comprises tools, templates, and a validated view of public health business capacity and capabilities that help CIOs and the IT...
  • guided implementation icon

The Pandemic Accelerant: Digital Transformation and Burnout

Many have called the pandemic a great accelerator for digital transformation as organizations around the world had to digitize and digitalize to sustain operations...

Digital Transformation and Enterprise Portfolio Management in the Canadian Public Sector

Delivering exceptional digital services is a key goal for Canadian public sector organizations at all levels of government. The dynamic pace of digital transformation...

The Canadian Government Labor Market: Competing for Scarce Resources in a Highly Competitive, High-Demand, and Low-Supply Environment

Canadian labor shortages are widespread, affecting almost every sector. As a result, government employers need to get out there quickly to ensure that public service is...

Three Steps to Prepare for Council

Any I&IT leader in local government charged with driving transformation will inevitably have some level of engagement with their municipal council. The interactions can...

Reduce IT Risk Exposure in the Canadian Public Sector

Public-sector pension funds are the latest target in a trend of rising scrutiny of government and other institutions that serve Canadians. Are you able to ensure...

Benchmarking Report: A Cross-Industry Comparison of IT Stakeholder Satisfaction

Using benchmarks from Info-Tech's CIO Business Vision diagnostic, understand the opportunities and obstacles faced by IT in different industries when it comes to driving...

Seven Steps to Accelerate Building Permits in Canadian Municipalities

The 2022 federal budget’s $4-billion investment to accelerate local building permitting, part of the National Housing Strategy, is a windfall for Canadians and the...
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