Healthcare Delivery - Storyboard

Responsible AI Primer and Playbook for Public Health and Healthcare Organizations Storyboard

This playbook outlines how to build your AI roadmap, establish responsible AI principles, prioritize opportunities, and develop policies for usage. Establishing and...

Improve Healthcare Technology Outsourcing Success Storyboard

An overview of the different healthcare IT outsourcing models, drivers, benefits, considerations, and best practices for outsourcing to a managed services provider.

Develop a Business Continuity Plan for Healthcare – Phases 1-4

This blueprint will help you streamline your business continuity plan (BCP) process within the healthcare industry by following our four-phase methodology.

Virtual Health Playbook – Phases 1-4

This playbook offers a step-by-step process for assessing when virtual care is appropriate and how to pilot and implement an effective patient-centered program.

Using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to Improve Population Health Outcomes Storyboard

This research provides the requisite background, addresses challenges and obstacles, and offers an AI readiness assessment framework and a seven-step guide to getting...

The New Power of Accountable Care Organizations Storyboard

This research explores the new power of accountable care organizations (ACOs) and the roles of health insurance payers, healthcare services providers, and public health...

Generative AI Use Case Library for the Healthcare Industry Storyboard

This library of generative AI use cases in the Healthcare industry provides insights into the latest and most impactful Gen AI use cases.

The Potential Financial Benefits of AI in Healthcare Organizations Storyboard

Artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare shows potential benefits to improve operational efficiency and patient outcomes. However, AI could also offer financial...

Application Portfolio Management Foundations for Healthcare Organizations – Phases 1-4

Enterprises have more applications than they need and rarely apply oversight to monitor the health, cost, and relative value of applications to ensure efficiency and...

Getting to Automated Surveillance and Location Intelligence in Public Health Practice Storyboard

This research provides the requisite background, addresses challenges and obstacles, and offers an AI readiness assessment framework and a seven-step guide to getting to “go!”
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