Demand Planning Technology Maturity Model

Assess your demand planning maturity to arrive at your current state and identify steps to graduate to the next maturity level.

The Connected Factory

This report provides a high-level analysis, insights, tools, and recommendations for how the business can implement and maintain a product compliance methodology that...

The Connected Factory Storyboard

Having a connected factory is a great benefit and is also critical for competitive standing. Companies that don't connect the factory are prone to higher overhead costs...

Factory of the Future – Smart Factory Trends for Durable Goods Storyboard

This strategic foresight trends report provides a high-level analysis, insights, and recommendations on trends and their respective technologies in the manufacturing...

Factory of the Future – Smart Factory Trends for Durable Goods

This strategic foresight trends report provides a high-level analysis, insights, and recommendations on trends and their respective technologies in the manufacturing...
  • guided implementation icon

Durable Goods Industry Business Reference Architecture

An industry business reference architecture is comprised of tools, templates, and a validated view of manufacturing business capabilities that help CIOs and leadership...
  • guided implementation icon

Durable Goods Industry Business Reference Architecture Guide

An industry reference architecture is comprised of tools, templates, and a validated view of integrated casino business capabilities that help CIOs and Durable Goods...

Durable Goods Industry Business Reference Architecture Template

Use this template in conjunction with the Durable Goods Industry Business Reference Architecture Guide.

Durable Goods Manufacturing Industry 4.0 Report

Durable Goods Manufacturing Industry 4.0 Report

Durable Goods Manufacturing IT/OT Convergence Report

Durable Goods Manufacturing IT/OT Convergence Report
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