Disruptive Technology Research Database Tool

This tool will help you keep track of your longlist of disruptive technologies over time. Remember: analysis of disruption is an iterative process.

Disruptive Technology Value-Readiness and SWOT Analysis Tool

This tool will help you evaluate shortlisted technologies by using inputs along several important metrics to assign each one a value-readiness score. The results of a...

Disruptive Technology Look to the Past Tool

The Disruptive Technology Look to the Past Tool will assist you to collect reasonability test notes when evaluating potential disruptive technologies.

Flat Panels: Buy vs. Lease Worksheet

Crunching numbers related to purchase price and reliability enables IT managers to calculate TCO for different display options. Use Info-Tech's Flat Panels: Buy vs. Lease...

Disruptive Technology Shortlisting Tool

This tool will help you evaluate your longlist by displaying the results of a voting exercise on Info-Tech's Disruptive Technology Matrix, and compiling a list of...

Remote Control Software and RFP Evaluation Tool

This tool enables enterprises to evaluate and compare the results of a remote control software RFP process quickly and easily.

End-User Computing Strategy and Roadmap TCO Calculator

End-user computing options grow more and more complex. Estimate costs and keep on budget using a five-year TCO calculator.

Infrastructure Roadmap Stakeholder Survey

Quantify and compare the relative importance of various business priorities as they relate to IT infrastructure.

Emerging Technology Radar

Analyze the value and readiness of emerging technologies for your organization as part of your annual technology roadmapping process.

Roadmap Workshop Breakout Templates

Use these templates to gather information in preparation for building your infrastructure roadmap.
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