Document and Maintain Your Disaster Recovery Plan

The traditional DRP “red binder” is dead. It takes too long to create, it’s too hard to maintain, and it’s not usable in a crisis.
  • guided implementation icon

Document and Maintain Your Disaster Recovery Plan – Phases 1-3

This storyboard will help you adopt effective, usable, and maintainable visual-based documentation for your DRP.

DRP Publishing and Document Management Solution Evaluation Tool

Determine the best strategy for publishing your disaster recovery plan using this tool.

Document and Maintain Your Disaster Recovery Plan – Phase 1: Streamline DRP Documentation

This phase of Document and Maintain Your Disaster Recovery Plan will help you create visual-based documentation.

Document and Maintain Your Disaster Recovery Plan – Phase 2: Select the Optimal DRP Publishing Strategy

This phase of Document and Maintain Your Disaster Recovery Plan will help you select a DRP publishing strategy.

BCM Tool – RFP Selection Criteria

A list of criteria for selecting a BCM tool. It can be added to an RFP.

Document and Maintain Your Disaster Recovery Plan – Phase 3: Keep Your DRP Relevant Through Maintenance Best Practices

This phase of Document and Maintain Your Disaster Recovery Plan will help you keep your DRP relevant.

Sample Project Intake Form Addendum for Disaster Recovery

This addendum can be used as a starting point for including DR considerations into project management.

Sample Change Management Checklist for Disaster Recovery

Use this checklist as a starting point for including DR considerations in change management.

Document and Maintain Your Disaster Recovery Plan – Appendix: XMPL Case Study

This appendix to Document and Maintain Your Disaster Recovery Plan presents a sample DRP based on Info-Tech's engagements with our members.
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