With remote work becoming a normal employee offering for many organizations, self-serve/self-solve becoming more prominent, and a common call out to improve customer...
Use this blueprint to drive consensus by outlining how your organization will use the cloud. Define the strategic statements around people, processes, and technology to...
Determine how your business can create value with a frictionless checkout platform and how this digital opportunity can enhance and improve fan experiences and journeys.
An industry reference architecture is comprised of tools, templates, and a validated view of integrated casino business capabilities that help CIOs and Durable Goods...
Start designing a cloud brokerage that delivers value beyond gatekeeping.
Use this storyboard to better understand the steps involved in building a roadmap for implementing zero trust.
In the situation where new technology is not being used after a project is complete, consider the following approach.
Use this template in conjunction with the Durable Goods Industry Business Reference Architecture Guide.
Determine which retail digital transformation technology initiative your enterprise should prioritize and align its benefits to your enterprise goals.
Learn about Warehouse Automation trend and the drivers enabling retail digital transformation.