Use this tool to define guidance for who will have access to the Cisco Portal and what level of access they should be entitled to.
This Template to the blueprint, Strategically Phase in Technology to Bolster Supply Chain Management, will provide you with a simple template to capture, visualize and...
Track business continuity teams, roles, responsibilities, and key vendors/suppliers.
The Information Security Program Gap Analysis Tool will help you systematically understand your current security state.
Use this tool to take a closure-focused approach to managing a project. Includes a project charter, roles and responsibilities, task management, timeline management,...
Building up business continuity capabilities is a marathon; most organizations don't have the resources to mitigate all risks immediately.
This tool will help you track the source of each of your Agile metrics, the impacted stakeholder(s), the intended function of the metric, and its baseline measurement.
This tool helps an organization identify the major benefits and drivers for adopting a zero trust security strategy.
This tool helps identify which sportsbook business model would be the best choice for your organization based on your drivers, challenges, and tolerance toward each...
This tool will help you narrow down your choices of sportsbook vendors and build a shortlist.