Effective congestion management requires reliable and efficient technology systems capable of real-time data collection, traffic monitoring, and automated billing. These...
Child welfare is an evolving field that constantly adapts to the changing needs of children, families, and communities. This research presents trends, challenges, key...
Child welfare is an evolving field that constantly adapts to the changing needs of children, families, and communities. Several key trends have emerged, reflecting both...
This Privacy Regulation Roundup summarizes the latest major global privacy regulatory developments, announcements, and changes. This report is updated on a monthly basis.
Info-Tech’s annual CIO Awards recognize the top IT leaders in the US, Canada, and the APAC region who have demonstrated exceptional value delivery, strategic alignment,...
Data & Analytics AI Summary – How AI Augments Analytics for Organizations
In its newly published blueprint, Info-Tech Research Group outlines five foundational strategies for healthcare providers to improve digital access and patient...
How AI is used to deliver effective customer experiences.
Software providers must address six critical trends defined in Info-Tech’s Tech Trends 2025. These trends will drive product innovation and spending shifts toward AI,...
Hornetsecurity has distinguished itself in our integrated cloud email security (ICES) quadrant with its advanced email security platform. My discussions with numerous...