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Develop a Security Awareness and Training Program That Empowers End Users – Phase 1: Develop Your Training Program

This phase of the blueprint, Develop a Security Awareness and Training Program That Empowers End Users, will help you build a development plan for your program, as well...

Develop a Security Awareness and Training Program That Empowers End Users – Phase 2: Design an Effective Training Delivery Plan

This phase of the blueprint, Develop a Security Awareness and Training Program That Empowers End Users, will help you determine what training methods to use with end...

The First 100 Days As CIO – Presentation Deck

Work with your executive advisor in The First 100 Days As CIO concierge service to complete this presentation deck that communicates your plan for your first three months...

Security Awareness and Training Program Development Tool

This tool will help you identify initiatives to develop your security awareness and training program. The tool focuses on four areas of initiatives: the fundamentals,...

Security Awareness and Training Metrics Tool

This tool will help you identify and select metrics for measuring the success of your security awareness and training program.

Security Training Campaign Development Tool

This tool will help you identify user groups within your organization and determine what the risk profile is of each group. It will help you prioritize security training...

Microsoft Teams on Its Way to Being the Center of Your Workday With Bevy of New Features

Microsoft Teams received a bevy of new capabilities that focus on new ways to customize the experience for users and manage the workflow for administrators, all announced...

Krow Adds New Features to Improve Its Performance and Augment User Experience

Krow, a customer-centric professional services automation (PSA) solution, announced new features in its fall 2019 release, improving its customer experience and extending...

Microsoft Teams Client for Linux Confirmed

A Microsoft Teams client for Linux has been confirmed, with a preview becoming available by the end of 2019.

The First 100 Days As CIO – Presentation Deck Example

In this example, see what a completed presentation deck might look like after completing Info-Tech's First 100 Days As CIO concierge service.
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