Prepare People Leaders for the Hybrid Work Environment

Employees are now expecting flexibility with work. Many organizations recognize this desire and the benefits of hybrid work, but often overlook the complexity and...
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Microlearning: Effective Virtual Meetings

Learn what to do before, during, and after a virtual meeting to ensure it is an effective use of everyone’s time.

Case Study: Return-to-the-Workplace Playbook

Refer to this case study for an example of a return-to-the-workplace plan.

Return-to-the-Workplace Playbook

As vaccines roll out and countries pass the peak of the pandemic, organizations are anxious to determine when and how to bring employees back to the workplace.
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Return-to-the-Workplace Playbook Storyboard

COVID-19 introduced many challenges to the workforce and work environment. As vaccines roll out and the economy reopens, organizations need to plan for how and when...

Return-to-the-Workplace Workbook

Use this workbook to document key information and make decisions for the return-to-the-workplace plan.

Return-to-the-Workplace Plan Summary Tool

Use this tool to create a central summary of the organization’s finalized plan to return to the workplace.

Return-to-the-Workplace FAQ Template

Use this template to communicate key messages with managers and employees regarding return-to-the-workplace plans.

Webinar: Bring Employees Back to the Workplace Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic

As countries around the world pass the peak of the COVID-19 outbreak, organizations need to determine how to move their business operations forward and organize their...

Navigate the Pandemic With a Flexible Talent Strategy

The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in unparalleled disruption for business, government, and society. HR leaders continue to be at the forefront of the crisis response,...
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