Project & Portfolio Management

Run IT Like a Business

It’s time to move beyond the debate about how to manage IT’s work, how to organize projects, and how to structure products. It’s time to run IT like a business.

Security Risk Management Policy Template

Info-Tech's Security Policy templates allow you to easily develop new policy documents.

Project Portfolio Workbook

Use this workbook as a model or first iteration for your homegrown PPM solution. Follow the steps in Info-Tech's Grow Your Own PPM Solution blueprint to populate,...

Deliver Engaging Portfolio Reports With Power BI Storyboard

A step-by-step process for implementing and personalizing a set of PPM reporting templates based on Excel and Power BI.

Deliver Engaging Portfolio Reports With Power BI – Comprehensive Business Case

This financial forecast template allows you to document the costs and benefits of your project as an ROI forecast.

Portfolio Manager 2.0

This is a set of ready-to-implement reporting templates for the smaller PMO.

Deliver Engaging Portfolio Reports With Power BI

The templates, slide decks, and videos are here to help you grow your own PPM solution, run it like a professional, and understand when it’s time to upgrade to a...
  • guided implementation icon

Portfolio Manager Change Plan Template

This template accelerates your deployment by recording decisions and design points in a central "Change Plan".

Requirements Management Maturity Assessment

Use this tool to help assess the maturity of your requirements management function in your organization and identify the gaps between the current state and the target state.

Requirements Management BA Playbook

Use this template to define practices and procedures for how requirements should be managed in your organization.
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