This phase of the blueprint, Plan Your PPM Solution Implementation, will help you ensure the successful long-term sustainable adoption of the solution and ensure that...
Use this template in conjunction with the CIO Business Vision Communication Deck to present the results of your CIO Business Vision survey to business leaders.
Use Info-Tech's sample policy to launch software acquisition management efforts to the top of your priority list.
The anti-corruption policy will outline the ethical and behavioral expectations of a corporation.
The IT standards policy organizes standards by technology category, distinguishes standards from preferred products, and documents products or policy standards that...
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that IT staff recognize that changes to computer systems tend to destabilize those systems.
Identify and prioritize the stakeholders that are important to your IT strategy development effort.
Recruiting new employees should be preceded by a clear understanding of the full costs of current employees in relation to those of each new hire. This is an exercise...
Coordinating information and activities across different types of projects, programs, and portfolios is fraught with difficulties, as each department and business unit...
This executive brief will help you gain buy-in for implementing an enterprise PMO.