Project Requirements Workbook

The Project Requirements Workbook will help project managers and/or business analysts determine the requirements for their projects.

Project Intake Classification Matrix

Use the Project Intake Classification Matrix as you triage requests to help you determine the amount of project intake process rigor that will be required.

PMO Job Description Builder Workbook

This tool will help you assess staffing requirements to facilitate project management, business analysis, and organizational change management outcomes.

Keystone Project Management Workbook

Use this tool to take a closure-focused approach to managing a project. Includes a project charter, roles and responsibilities, task management, timeline management,...

Day-to-Day Project Intake and Prioritization Tool

Use the Day-to-Day Project Intake and Prioritization Tool as a template to help you track and prioritize new requests and assist in resource planning around those requests.

Day-to-Day Project Definition Tool

Use this tool as you triage new work-effort requests to help identify day-to-day projects across functional teams.

Day-to-Day Project Supply/Demand Calculator

This tool will help you assess IT's overall resource capacity to execute both major project work and day-to-day project work relative to the organization's overall...

Organizational Change Management Capabilities Assessment

The Organizational Change Management Capabilities Assessment is designed to evaluate your current capabilities, opportunities, and challenges around managing...

Mid-Pandemic IT Prioritization Tool

The Mid-Pandemic IT Prioritization Tool simplifies the long to-do list of transition tasks for your IT and InfoSec team to carry out. Identify, classify, and prioritize...

Resume Operations Information Security Pressure Analysis Tool

Use this tool in phase 1 of the Responsibly Resume IT Operations in the Office research to evaluate and better understand the organization's post-pandemic risk tolerance.
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