This is phase 1 of the Bring Visibility to Your Day-To-Day Projects blueprint.
Use this tool as you triage new work-effort requests to help identify day-to-day projects across functional teams.
This tool will help you assess IT's overall resource capacity to execute both major project work and day-to-day project work relative to the organization's overall...
This template will help you communicate the need for more portfolio management rigor around day-to-day projects and document a process wireframe.
This is phase 2 of the Bring Visibility to Your Day-To-Day Projects blueprint.
The Organizational Change Management Capabilities Assessment is designed to evaluate your current capabilities, opportunities, and challenges around managing...
Develop foundational practices in each of the following areas: portfolio management, project management, and organizational change management.
Adoption is one of the biggest challenges that organizations deal with when implementing commercial project management tools. Amid a global pandemic, this challenge has...
Prepare to return your employees to the office. Ensure that IT takes into account the health and safety of employees while creating an efficient and sustainable working...
The Mid-Pandemic IT Prioritization Tool simplifies the long to-do list of transition tasks for your IT and InfoSec team to carry out. Identify, classify, and prioritize...