This phase of the blueprint, Balance Supply and Demand with Realistic Resource Management Practices, will help you assess the current state of your resource management...
This tool will help you assess IT's overall resource capacity to execute project work relative to the organization's overall demand, both project and non-project.
This phase of the blueprint, Balance Supply and Demand with Realistic Resource Management Practices, will help you articulate a new resource management strategy and build...
Use this template to record your resource management strategy including the standard operating procedures for the process that implements the strategy.
Use this workbook as a model for your homegrown resource management solution, which can also serve as a PPM solution. This is a lightweight version of Info-Tech's...
This phase of the blueprint, Balance Supply and Demand with Realistic Resource Management Practices, will help you set up a pilot to test the new resource management...
Invest time and energy into a pilot and lower implementation risk, enhance the details and steps within a process, and improve stakeholder relations prior to a full scale...
Use this template to present your resource management practice to stakeholders.
This template will help you compose a comprehensive PPM strategy. It includes an executive brief to establish the need for PPM, a plan for process improvement, and an...
This tool will help you engage the executive layer or the project steering committee, who ultimately own the project portfolio, to set the goals, metrics, and targets.