KnowBe4, a leader in end-user security training, has acquired El Pescador, a Brazilian security awareness and training company. This could be a good fit if you are...
Understand your GDPR requirements concerning your data protection officer, retention requirements, and privacy and cookie policies. Use this blueprint to customize...
This storyboard will help you get an understanding of the required documentation for GDPR compliance, including a data protection officer job description, data retention...
Use this template to outline your requirements for a data protection officer, in compliance with the GDPR.
Use this template to set the foundational requirements of data retention within the organization.
Use this tool to dynamically document all data that is retained by the organization, how long it will be stored, and other details.
Use this external-facing template to customize a privacy notice that provides users with a comprehensive understanding of how you process their personal data, why, and...
Use this external-facing template to customize a cookie policy that provides users with a clear and comprehensive understanding of what cookies are, how they are...
Successful information security governance requires a venue to address security concerns with participation across the entire business. Without access to requisite...
Read this Executive Brief to understand why a security steering committee is different than an IT steering committee but just as valuable.