Email Acceptable Use Policy

The email acceptable use policy outlines the standards for appropriate use of corporate email accounts.

Instant Messaging Usage and Security Policy

The instant messaging usage and security policy outlines the standards for the usage of, and security controls associated with, corporate instant messaging.

PDA Usage Policy

The PDA usage policy outlines standards for connecting to company network(s) or related technology resources via any means involving mobile devices that are categorized...

Removable Media Acceptable Use Policy

The removable media acceptable use policy defines the standards, procedures, and restrictions for end users who have legitimate business requirements to connect portable...

Document Retention Policy

The document retention policy ensures that copies of certain documents for legal, regulatory, and/or operations reasons are made, committing companies to good business...

Email Security Gateway Vendor Demo Script

Allowing vendors to run a product demonstration without your guidance will only highlight their strengths and present a subjective and skewed view of their product offering.

Email Security Gateway RFP Template

Issuing an RFP to vendors is a critical step in your email security gateway solution selection process.

Email Security Gateway Vendor Shortlist & Detailed Feature Analysis Tool

This worksheet allows enterprises to profile their email security gateway (ESG) requirements and generate a rank-ordered vendor shortlist from a fixed list of vendors....

Security Governance and Management Target State Framework and Gap Analysis

Use this tool to build your target state information security governance and management framework and conduct a gap analysis.

Security Governance and Management Implementation Roadmap

Use this tool to build a roadmap to help you reach your target state.
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