Design a Tabletop Exercise to Support Your Security Operation – Phase 4: Conduct

Conduct a mock tabletop exercise.

Design a Tabletop Exercise to Support Your Security Operation – Phase 5: Evaluate

In order to ensure continuous improvement, a plan needs to be developed to implement the development of the documentation of exercise findings, a discussion of lessons...

Terminator Versus Iron Man: Showdown of Security Products

Trends in security products supporting humans rather than replacing them.

Endpoint Protection TCO & ROI Comparison Calculator

Use this TCO and ROI calculator to compare costs and benefits when examining various endpoint protection solutions.

Endpoint Protection Roadmap & RACI Tool

Assign responsibilities and deadlines for the endpoint protection implementation and management process.

Endpoint Protection Metrics Summary Template

Identify relevant metrics to assist in evaluating the success of your organization's endpoint protection process.

Administrative Rights Policy

The administrative rights policy grants access to individuals’ desktop, laptop, or other end-user devices within a company for those who are qualified and cleared to use...

Anti-Virus Policy

The anti-virus policy provides a computing network that is virus-free; this policy provides instructions on measures that must be taken by company employees to help...

Data Center Access Policy

The data center access policy will outline the standards for regulating access to the company data center(s).

Instant Messaging Usage and Security Policy

The instant messaging usage and security policy outlines the standards for the usage of, and security controls associated with, corporate instant messaging.
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