Small Enterprise Resources

Project Charter and Status Update Template

Use this template to take a lean approach to scoping initiatives during planning stages and tracking its progress during its execution.

Data Strategy Planning Interview Guide

Use this interview guide to structure discussions with key business stakeholders.

Business SWOT Analysis Template

Use this template to complete and document a SWOT analysis for the business.

System Recovery Procedures Template

Use this template to document application or system recovery procedures required to support the DR Incident Response Plan.

DRP Summary Template

Create the DRP summary document that will become the focus of the DRP audit. This template will organize and centralize a summary of your DRP to help streamline the audit...

Formalize Project Portfolio Management for Small Enterprise

Small enterprise IT leaders face unique challenges when it comes to successfully executing projects. Increase the manageability and value of your IT projects with a PPM...
  • guided implementation icon

Formalize Project Portfolio Management for Small Enterprise – Executive Brief

This executive brief will help you gain buy-in for formalizing a PPM Operating Plan for your small business.

Formalize Project Portfolio Management for Small Enterprise – Phases 1-2

Make big gains in small steps.

Formalize Project Portfolio Management for Small Enterprise – Phase 1: Develop the Plan

Ensure success by taking a "crawl, walk, run" approach to building PPM capability.

Portfolio Operating Plan for Small Enterprise

Use this template to document decisions, policies and procedures around your portfolio operating plan.
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