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Agilysys InfoGenesis POS Supports Safe and Secure Contactless Payments

The new normal in which restaurants are operating comes with plenty of government-mandated regulations and changes in guest behaviors. As a result, operators need to be prepared to safely accept an increase in EMV payments over cash and to meet the payment card industry (PCI) requirements for any payment made in-store or online. Already we are seeing a shift to contactless payments, with such methods expected to increase by 10% to 20%. Fortunately for Agilysys, its InfoGenesis product excels in delivering on this feature.

COVID-19 forced the temporary closure of 44% of restaurants, leading to changes in how food is prepared, ordered, and delivered for restaurant operators that wanted to remain open throughout the pandemic. One of the most notable changes was how food was ordered by guests and how those guests securely paid for their orders. There was a prominent shift in consumers’ perception about food, where takeout and delivery were perceived as some of the least risky ways in which food could be obtained (Datassential, 2020). Additionally, there has been a growing desire from consumers to engage in contactless payment options. This can be in the form of online payments ahead and/or payment at the location with little to no contact.

With InfoGenesis, guests can easily pay for their product either at the store or online knowing that the end-to-end payment process is PCI compliant, reducing the chances of data breaches. Additionally, it provides the hardware and software needed to enable EMV transactions. This product feature has been positively received by restaurant operators on SoftwareReviews, with all surveyed indicating that they are either “highly satisfied” or even “delighted” by the InfoGenesis’s PCI compliance capabilities. Moreover, according to Info-Tech’s Food & Beverage POS Vendor Landscape, InfoGenesis was already excelling in its ability to deliver mobile payment capabilities.

rGuest Pay is the InfoGenesis add-on that enables these secure payments. While allowing guests to pay at the table was once considered a “revolutionized” guest experience, being able to pay online, from one’s car or at the hosting station for takeout, are the new norms operators are working within. Having a POS solution that can enable this type of payment is no longer going to be a nice-to-have feature. Rather, for those operators that choose to continue to deliver service and value to their guests, this will be a must.

Source: Food & Beverage POS at SoftwareReviews, Report Published May 2020

Our Take

We want operators to be able to deliver their service and goods in a secure and hygienic manner. Being compliant with PCI/EMV and enabling online/mobile/device payment methods will be pivotal to this happening. Agilysys’ ability to deliver on this feature, either directly through its InfoGenesis platform or its add-ons such as rGuest Pay, make it a key solution that will be needed in the new normal restaurants operate within.

Want to Know More?

Vendor Landscape: Food & Beverage Point of Sale Solution

2020 Hospitality Trend Report

Food and Beverage POS Systems Software Reviews

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