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Avaya Releases New Firmware to Resolve Vulnerability in VoIP Phones

What happened?

Avaya’s newly released firmware addresses a vulnerability that has survived for 10 years in VoIP phone models configured with H.323 signaling – a model used by 90% of Fortune 100 companies.

The vulnerability meant that hackers could potentially gain full control of the device and listen in on calls. Moving forward, Avaya is recommending for its users to also install firewalls and use access controls lists and physical security to protect the devices.

Senior security researcher at McAfee Philippe Laulheret found the vulnerability.

Source: SoftwareReviews Avaya Scorecard, Accessed August 13, 2019.

Our Take

Avaya’s dominance in the communications marketplace is likely to be unaffected by this vulnerability, especially since the issue is now resolved. Avaya is consistently identified as a market leader across a variety of sectors, with the latest praise from Aragon Research Globe for Avaya’s contact center deployments and advances in AI-enabled customer support.

Members using Avaya devices should be sure to follow Avaya’s advice by first accessing their new firmware and then ensuring further security measures.

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