Define a Data Practice Strategy to Power an Autonomous Enterprise Phases 1-4

Author(s): Irina Sedenko, Vince Mirabelli

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AI will continue to demand increasing volumes and variety of quality data, delivered increasingly in real-time, produced and consumed from anywhere.

To meet these demands, data & analytics practices need to change. Use this research to learn how CIOs can lead the change by partnering with business and empowering business leaders to own and drive data & analytics initiatives. Use this research to define:

  • How your practice delivers value to the organization and what capabilities are required.
  • Redefine the value of data and a data development framework.
  • Define how to break down IT and business silos and close the skills gap.

View the Complete Blueprint:

Define a Data Practice Strategy to Power an Autonomous Enterprise

Deliver the processes, capabilities, and technologies to service AI’s demand for data

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