Develop a Web Experience Management Strategy Phase 3: Execute Initiatives for WEM Deployment

Author(s): Ben Dickie, Evan Destunis

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Plan your WEM deployment by creating a roadmap outlining how the solution will be integrated into the organization's current IT landscape, populated with the organization's data, used by IT and business users, and managed on an ongoing basis.

As you plan your deployment, we recommend you:

  • Discuss best practices for WEM deployment.
  • Review future-looking trends like mobile analytics.
  • Create a plan for sustained adoption.

This phase will enable the completion of various key activities such as:

  • Begin WEM capability mapping.
  • Develop a WEM steering committee.
  • Complete a WEM training matrix.
  • Create a risk mitigation plan.
  • Build the WEM initiatives roadmap.

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Develop a Web Experience Management Strategy

Your web presence is your organization’s face to the world: support it with best-in-class tools and technologies for Web Experience Management.

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