Develop a Web Experience Management Strategy – Phases 1-3

Author(s): Ben Dickie, Evan Destunis


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A company’s web presence is its front face to the world. Ensuring you have the right suite of tools for web content management, experience design, and web analytics is critical to putting your best food forward.

Web Experience Management (WEM) suites are a rapidly maturing and dynamic market, with a landscape full of vendors with cutting edge solutions and diverse offerings. As a result, having a strategy is integral before finding a solution that is the best fit for your organization . Align your business and IT objectives first with this strategy before selecting and implementing your desired WEM suite.

Phases within this storyboard include:

  • Harness the Value of WEM
  • Create the Vision for WEM
  • Execute WEM Deployment

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Develop a Web Experience Management Strategy

Your web presence is your organization’s face to the world: support it with best-in-class tools and technologies for Web Experience Management.

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