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Experian eCare NEXT Connects Revenue Cycle Management and Clinical Workflows

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve, healthcare organizations are looking for ways to expand digital patient care options such as telemedicine, patient portals, and remote patient monitoring solutions, which are quickly being adopted to help providers stay connected to patients. Patient management systems like Experian’s eCare NEXT help providers connect new digital clinical workflows to established workflows and revenue cycles.

To keep up with revenue cycle changes, it is imperative that upstream and downstream products can easily communicate with each other. eCare Next has several features that improve revenue cycle management and enable efficient integration of new digital clinical tools. For example:

  • Mobile cost estimation and prepayment tools help to providers and patients by detailing financial expectations in advance of a procedure.
  • Providers can preprogram their price list for specific procedures, which minimizes calls regarding service delivery estimates.
  • Patients can schedule appointments through their mobile device, and patient data is securely integrated into EMR, EHR, or other patient management systems.
  • Real-time patient intake forms allow patients to make corrections during the intake process.
  • Automated tools to facilitate patient outreach and the ability to schedule appointments using interactive voice response (IVR) and text options.

Source: Patient Management at SoftwareReviews, Report Published June 2020.

Our Take

Experian offers several mobile applications that improve patient engagement and aim to benefit both patients and providers. eCare NEXT is a patient management platform equipped with tools that assist in estimating the cost of healthcare delivery. Connecting patients and providers in understanding the true cost of specific services is advancing financial transparency in healthcare delivery.

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