Incident Management for Small Enterprise – Phases 1-3

Author(s): Allison Kinnaird

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Responding and recovering quickly from unplanned incidents is a critical path to become a trusted partner for the business. This storyboard will walk you through the steps of developing a scalable, and systematic incident management program relevant to your organization while using and analyzing your own data.

This storyboard is broken into these phases:

  1. Identify and Log Incidents
  2. Categorize, Prioritize, and Define SLAs
  3. Respond, Recover, and Close Incidents

Develop a plan that aligns with your organizational needs, and adapt best practices into light, sustainable processes. With the goal to improve time to resolve, cost to serve and ultimately end user satisfaction.

View the Complete Blueprint:

Incident Management for Small Enterprise

Turn chaos into control with a practical incident response program.

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