Published: April 16, 2010
Apple and Google had interlocking boards, Adobe was Apple’s lifelong development partner and ally, and even Intel had come back from the Dark Side of Wintel to make the chips used in Apple machines. What a happy family, all playing around the campfire of the Cloud, cool future devices, and Open Systems. Software should run everywhere: Adobe Reader, Safari browser, Google and its applications – all should be accessible by anyone, anywhere, on any device, with any operating system.
Even Microsoft got into the spirit, using words of this kind as the new executive mantra. Now the bus has come out the other side of the Cloud, and things are looking very different. At first, as I considered these issues this week, I thought they were all centered on the question of Open Systems, but then I realized that, with a single exception, they were really centered around Apple – with a little credit left over for Google.