Make IT a Successful Partner in M&A Integration – Phases 1-4

Author(s): Eric Dolinar, David Yackness


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Organizations continue to underestimate the role of IT during M&A integration and IT is often unaware of a merger or acquisition until a deal is already announced. Use the steps in this blueprint to kick-start your IT integration effort:

  • Immediately set out to understand business M&A goals and expected synergies.
  • Assemble an IT Integration Program to conduct discovery and begin designing the technology end-state.
  • Identify and deliver operational imperatives and quick-wins as soon as possible to maintain business function while capturing immediate synergies.
  • Build a long-term action plan to achieve the technology end-state that best supports the business capabilities of the resultant organization.

View the Complete Blueprint:

Make IT a Successful Partner in M&A Integration

Anticipate pressure – simultaneously conduct discovery and deliver quick-wins!

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