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Newcomer Duality Technologies Runner-Up at 2019 RSAC

Duality Technologies takes home second place at this year’s RSAC Innovation Sandbox Contest for its SecurePlus platform, which enables collaboration of highly sensitive data.

The startup enables secure data analysis (think: AI and machine learning) and collaboration through homomorphic encryption. This capability is critical, because many organizations that do not have the infrastructure to analyze data internally collaborate with peers. Collaboration, while often productive, can create major privacy and security concerns – especially when dealing with large data sets. Duality aims to solve this problem.

A few critical elements of Duality SecurePlus:

  • The platform is built on open-source PALISADE lattice encryption library.
  • The solution is currently market-ready and debuted at RSAC.
  • It appears to work around the respected, yet impractical, homomorphic encryption methodology.

Despite judges’ concerns during the competition regarding proof of the encryption method, Duality has previously demonstrated effectiveness by winning the iDash competition last year.

Our Take

There will be an explosion of new privacy management solutions and related products entering the market over the next five years. The product category is expected to have a 31.9% CAGR, and that’s not including related security solutions that support privacy management.

Duality SecurePlus is a perfect example of how various technology categories will continue to converge as industry leaders continue to solve specific challenges across the market.

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