SaaS: What It Is and Why You Should Care

Author(s): Mauricio Rodriguez


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The SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) delivery model provides a faster, less risky, and generally more cost-effective alternative for enterprises to achieve their business objectives. However, this model is not the best alternative in every situation. Before moving forward with it, IT managers must assess the appropriateness of the SaaS model for their enterprise.

This research note outlines the key management and technical issues surrounding the SaaS delivery model. The main topics include:

A technical perspective on SaaS, what it is, and how it works.

  • Who is adopting SaaS and for what business needs.
  • The key cost considerations of SaaS, and a TCO calculator to compare the economics of on-demand versus on-premises.
  • The leading benefits and challenges of using the SaaS model.
  • The early steps to take when considering SaaS.

IT managers considering SaaS must first assess the appropriateness of this model for their enterprise.

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