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Snow’s Technology Intelligence Suite Can Provide an Avalanche of Value – Once You Have SAM Processes Established

Snow Software has expanded its software asset management (SAM) offering with a new technology intelligence suite. SAM teams that combine this technology with process maturity should gain needed insight into on-premises and cloud technologies.

Snow announced its vision of technology intelligence, which it says will provide organizations with insight into software, hardware, SaaS, and IaaS technologies as they navigate cloud shift and digital transformation. Snow has launched six products:

  • Adoption Tracker – enables discovery, inventory, and normalization of all digital technology assets to provide visibility into usage across the organization.
  • Spend Auditor – provides insights into what is driving technology spend on-premises and in the cloud to help budget and prepare for audits.
  • Spend Optimizer – provides detailed information to recommend areas to reduce spend and automate license harvesting.
  • Productivity Optimizer – automates lifecycle management processes and workflows, including cloud optimization for AWS, Azure, and Google Compute Engine.
  • Risk Monitor – provides intelligence to prioritize applications that pose the largest risks to data privacy, compliance, and software vulnerability.
  • ITSM Enhancer – supplements existing data within ITSM tools to improve data quality.

Source: SoftwareReviews Snow Product Scorecard, Accessed August 21, 2019.

Our Take

Snow’s Software Asset Management solution is a strong tool for managing complex environments, and the addition of the technology intelligence suite to its line of products will move the company further into enterprise functionality, providing deeper insights into hardware, SaaS, and IaaS technologies.

The Productivity Optimizer, Risk Monitor, and Adoption Tracker products may also give Snow an edge over other non-SAM tools that cannot offer the same level of deep analysis across a broad environment. The ability to offer insights into both cloud and on-premises licensing is an advantage over most of its competitors – tools rarely offer both.

The potential enabled by this offering sounds exciting, but you need to have the right processes and people in place for the technology to provide value. The tool may make it easier to achieve these benefits, but process and role definition is necessary first.

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