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Project Portfolio Management icon

Establish an Effective PMO for IT

Over 60% of IT projects don’t succeed – build an effective PMO to avoid becoming another statistic.

  • Many organizations use projects as a method for achieving strategic goals.
  • Due to the project-based nature of most IT departments, IT is often tasked with managing, executing, or delivering many projects or project components for both IT and the business.
  • Managing many projects simultaneously in a coordinated manner is beyond the capability of many organizations.
  • This results in a poor understanding of project performance and decisions being made based on inadequate information. Projects are more likely to fail and be inefficient in their execution, leading to a destruction of business value.

Our Advice

Critical Insight

  • A Project Management Office (PMO) is the conductor of your project orchestra. Without a PMO, projects execute independently in an uncoordinated manner. A PMO brings them together into a single holistic view and maximizes project synergy.
  • A world-class PMO uses finely honed capabilities to maximize project portfolio execution. A PMO can maximize the benefits of nine PMO capabilities and focus on the capabilities most important to you.

Impact and Result

  • A method to coordinate project activities so that all functions and tasks operate in concert is required.
  • The leadership role best suited for the coordinated execution of projects is the PMO.
  • Implementing a PMO can help to ensure that resources are being used effectively, projects are completed successfully, standardized processes are being followed, and accurate information is being used for decision making.

Establish an Effective PMO for IT Research & Tools

1. Understand the characteristics of high-performing PMOs

Determine if a PMO is right for the organization.

2. Prepare to build the PMO

Determine the right type of PMO for the organization and create a project charter to communicate important details about the PMO implementation to key stakeholders.

3. Assess PMO capabilities

Determine the steps to be completed in order to achieve the required level of each capability for the organization’s PMO.

4. Build the implementation roadmap

After determining the required capability, decide on the supporting PMO infrastructure and create an implementation roadmap.

5. Get the roadmap approved

Present the implementation roadmap to management and get final approval to implement the PMO.

Over 60% of IT projects don’t succeed – build an effective PMO to avoid becoming another statistic.

About Info-Tech

Info-Tech Research Group is the world’s fastest-growing information technology research and advisory company, proudly serving over 30,000 IT professionals.

We produce unbiased and highly relevant research to help CIOs and IT leaders make strategic, timely, and well-informed decisions. We partner closely with IT teams to provide everything they need, from actionable tools to analyst guidance, ensuring they deliver measurable results for their organizations.

What Is a Blueprint?

A blueprint is designed to be a roadmap, containing a methodology and the tools and templates you need to solve your IT problems.

Each blueprint can be accompanied by a Guided Implementation that provides you access to our world-class analysts to help you get through the project.

Need Extra Help?
Speak With An Analyst

Get the help you need in this 1-phase advisory process. You'll receive 6 touchpoints with our researchers, all included in your membership.

  • Call 1: Confirm your need for a PMO

    Use the PMO assessment tool to inform your decision regarding the need for a PMO. You will discuss the severity of the need and how to select the right type of PMO for your organization.

  • Call 2: Validate your PMO charter

    Review the six types of PMOs and confirm the selection of the right type of PMO for your organization. Review the selection of the sponsor of the PMO establishment project and the project charter.

  • Call 3: Confirm your capability gaps

    Discuss the capabilities required to build an effective PMO, and which ones are most important to your specific organization. Review the gaps and the options to close them.

  • Call 4: Determine the “right” tool for your PPM capability

    There are many types of tools available to help with project portfolio management. Review the tool options and confirm the type of tool that best suits your organization and level of maturity.

  • Call 5: Validate your roadmap

    Design your PMO structure and build a roadmap for its creation. Review the results of your design and plan to maximize the efficiency and success of your project.

  • Call 6: Get your roadmap approved

    Develop a presentation to get your project plan approved by management.


David Yackness

Katie Forth


  • Chris Carter, Senior Manager, Advisory & Director, Value Management, Global Management Consulting, KPMG
  • Steve Pinkus, Pinkus Consulting, Inc.
  • Charles Stevens, Independent Consultant, PMO Advisory and Business Operations
  • Sherry Schoonover, Deputy Director of IT and CSO, City of Topeka
  • Kirk Hale, Director, IT Infrastructure and Security, Brooks Rehabilitation
  • Karen Wiltgen, Director, McGladrey LLP
  • Dr. Mark Bojeun, Chief Technology Officer, Valsatech Corp
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