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Scale Up Your Requirements Management Practices

Embrace business analysis at the speed and scale of your organization.

  • Poor requirements are correlated with failed projects. Poor requirements are to blame for as much as 78% of project failures (ZipDo, 2024).
  • As more teams shift to Agile and hybrid methodologies, there is often a struggle to develop consistent practices for requirements management.
  • Often, business analysts (BAs), or the role tasked with business analysis or requirements management, haven’t developed the right competencies to successfully execute and add value.

Our Advice

Critical Insight

  • Contrary to popular belief, business analysis and requirements management are not dead. They are more critical than ever in an environment of continual disruption and upheaval.
  • Good requirements practices are the key to unlocking project and product value and reducing technical debt.

Impact and Result

  • Develop an outcome-based common framework for requirements management that works across teams and methodologies.
  • Standardize the management of evergreen requirements (requirements as an asset), not one-time change requirements.
  • Align requirements management with product backlog management and product delivery processes.
  • Develop a requirements management playbook that extends your solution delivery framework.

Scale Up Your Requirements Management Practices Research & Tools

1. Scale Up Your Requirements Management Practices – A step-by-step guide to elevating the scale and effectiveness of your requirements management practices.

Requirements management is critical for delivering business value from projects, products, and services. Yet it remains an elusive task for most organizations. Follow this blueprint for a comprehensive approach that can be scaled to any size of project or organization.

2. Requirements Management Maturity Assessment – Assess the maturity of requirements management and identify gaps.

Use this tool to assess the maturity of your organization's requirements management function and identify gaps between the current and target states.

3. Requirements Management Workbook – Capture the outcomes from blueprint activities.

Capture a clear understanding of the target needs for the requirements process.

4. Requirements Management BA Playbook – Define your requirements management process, standards, and RACI.

Use this template to define practices and procedures for managing requirements in your organization.

5. Requirements Management BA Playbook Process – Tailor this Visio process flow for your needs.

Use this Visio template to model the flow of your requirements management process.

6. Requirements Management Templates – Use these templates as a starting point to record, manage, and share requirements.

Examples of simple and complex requirements management templates.

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Start Value Delivery With the Right Requirements

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Member Testimonials

After each Info-Tech experience, we ask our members to quantify the real-time savings, monetary impact, and project improvements our research helped them achieve. See our top member experiences for this blueprint and what our clients have to say.


Overall Impact


Average $ Saved


Average Days Saved




$ Saved

Days Saved

Nevada Department of Transportation

Guided Implementation




The analyst continuously kept my attention and got me thinking about the path forward to mature my team and the projects we work on. We have strug... Read More

Minnesota Department of Health

Guided Implementation




Kieran has an innate ability to flex and pivot during the guided implementation to help us focus on the right pieces. He was also very communicativ... Read More

Federal Bureau of Prisons





There were no worst parts. The best parts were those involving hands on, practical application of the workshop subject matter.

ProDriven Global Brands





Kieron was immensely helpful and knowledgeable on all things discussed, he was also very flexible in customizing the workshop. I wished we would h... Read More

Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools

Guided Implementation




My first interaction with Info-Tech - I'll be able to estimate time/financial impact after we implement the recommended improvements.

EA Sween Company

Guided Implementation




Georgia Municipal Association





Working through situational examples that happen at our company was very helpful.

State of Kansas Human Services





I don't know how to estimate the time and money it will save. But from my team, I received excellent feedback. The only thing we need to do now i... Read More

Ideal Boilers Limited

Guided Implementation




The team are so informed but more than that so keen to work with us to get to a great answer for our business.

California Department of Motor Vehicles

Guided Implementation




Vince was the best part. He covered the material clearly, paused for questions and to check our understanding, and he even covered a topic that was... Read More

Mevotech LP





Fernco Inc





Worst: Learning the about the requirements gathering fundamentals that need to be in place to be ready up the bottom from the maturity level. B... Read More

Louisiana Department of Health





There were so many applicable and executable topics that were covered. Everyone on my team talked about how much they enjoyed the discussions and i... Read More

Modesto Irrigation District





Kieran did a great job presenting the information. I'm already seeing improvements in the way our team works with end-users to gather system requi... Read More

Public Utility District 2 Grant County

Guided Implementation




Westoba Credit Union Limited





Best - The material was relevant, and Kieran presented with examples that really drove the critical points home. We are very new to requirements ga... Read More

Great Lakes Water Authority





I found the following most useful: • Maturity Assessment • BA Task Deep Dive • Metrics • Stop, Start, Continue, conversation • Elicitation Te... Read More

The President and Fellows of Harvard College, a Massachusetts nonprofit corporation, acting by and through Harvard Business School

Guided Implementation




Working with Vincent has been very encouraging. He is super helpful to our work and is willing to engage at a pace that is sustainable for us. Vinc... Read More

County of Marin IST





We had explained our needs to the consultant tentatively assigned to facilitate our workshop, however when our facilitator changed, these needs wer... Read More

General Dynamics Land Systems Inc.





Kieran was extremely knowledgeable and was able to answer all our ad hoc questions. We left the week with an action plan and tools to get started.... Read More

Circular Materials





We really appreciated Kieran's flexibility. He was able to adjust the content and delivery to the attendees to make the learning experience more ... Read More

City of Virginia Beach





Mr. Herzstein was very well prepared and knowledgeable, and he managed the sessions well. The best part was to see how the teams were engaged in th... Read More

St. Lukes Health System Ltd.





This was our first InfoTech workshop. Kieran did an amazing job facilitating to a wide range of participants. There were also add-ins that were "bo... Read More

South Carolina Department of Education





Truly an enlightening experience. It gave me a sense of comfort in finding that while we need to do some internal organization and setting some u... Read More

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency





It is hard to estimate the value. The team did get a good foundational base on gathering requirements. With regards to worst parts it would have be... Read More

State Universities Retirement System Of Illinois





Kieran's insight based on real-life experiences! The real-time updates to ppt slides for processes, and the worksheets we worked from were very he... Read More






Best: We were able to utilize the topics covered within the workshop and able to map that against our organization. Worst: It would have been more ... Read More






The worst part was that I had other priorities come up, and I couldn't attend the whole event.

The Suddath Companies





No worst parts Best - He was great, engaged everyone and got the most out of the folks who participated This feedback is from Paul Schuster

MUFG Investor Services

Guided Implementation




Presenter was knowledgeable, friendly, prepared with the right materials and was a good listner.

Requirements Gathering

Poor requirements are the number one reason projects fail.
This course makes up part of the PPM & Projects Certificate.

  • Course Modules: 5
  • Estimated Completion Time: 2-3 hours

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Academy: Requirements Gathering | Executive Brief

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Workshop: Scale Up Your Requirements Management Practices

Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn't enough, we offer low-cost delivery of our project workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a roadmap in place to complete your project successfully.

Module 1: Pre-Work

The Purpose

  • Establish a baseline for your requirements management maturity.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Awareness of the current-state maturity
  • Serves for planning workshop activities to address significant gaps or needs




Complete Requirements Management Maturity Assessment (Current State)

  • An assessment of your current-state maturity and areas of improvement

Module 2: Introduction and Current State

The Purpose

  • Understand your current-state maturity with requirements and set a baseline from which to improve.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Defined project leveling
  • Defined requirements management processes




Based on the current state, prioritize risks and challenges.


Establish requirements management metrics.


Identify your project levels.

  • Project level selection

Define your high-level process.

  • Requirements management processes

Module 3: Define the Elicitation Process

The Purpose

  • Identify stakeholders and define your elicitation processes.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Building a sample elicitation plan to guide requirements efforts




Identify typical project stakeholders.


Understand and document elicitation techniques by use case.

  • Project use cases

Create a requirements management elicitation plan for a typical project.

  • Project elicitation plan

Module 4: Analyze and Validate Requirements

The Purpose

  • Effectively analyze and prioritize your requirements and validate them against stakeholder needs.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • A defined standard for documentation and communication with stakeholders




Analyze and categorize requirements.


Prioritize requirements.


Model requirements with use case diagrams or user stories.


Validate your requirements.


Create a requirements management communication plan for a typical project.

  • Requirements documentation and communication standards

Module 5: Changes, Requirements, and Backlogs

The Purpose

  • Establish a framework for managing changes to requirements and build a plan for continuous improvement.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • A roadmap for continuously improving the maturity of your requirements management practices
  • A completed Requirements Management BA Playbook




Develop a change control process.


Build guidelines for escalating changes.


Complete Requirements Management Maturity Assessment (target state).


Define roadmap to target-state maturity.


Identify and analyze stakeholders for communication plan.


Create communication management plan.


Build the action plan.

  • Target-state roadmap
  • Requirements management playbook

Scale Up Your Requirements Management Practices

Embrace business analysis at the speed and scale of your organization.

Analysts’ perspective

Scale Up Your Requirements Management Practices

Vince Mirabelli

Vince Mirabelli

Principal Research Director,
Application Delivery and Management
Info-Tech Research Group

Hans Eckman

Hans Eckman

Principal Research Director,
Application Delivery and Management
Info-Tech Research Group

History has proven the importance of requirements management in delivering value through successful projects, products, and processes. Yet we continue to make the same mistakes, ignoring or discounting the benefits of business analysis and requirements management. These disciplines continue to be under attack despite consistent research and project metrics showing the need for proper requirements management. With the continued shift to Agile DevOps practices, teams are further undermining the value of highly mature analysis, leading to BADgile (bad Agile) practices.

We no longer have time to relearn, rediscover, and redocument.

Managing requirements as an asset is more important than ever with the need to deliver solutions and changes quickly and be able to respond to opportunities or avoid danger.

Operating with an immature requirements management practice is no longer an option.

This is your time to take a stand and develop an outcome-based requirements management process and playbook aligned with your overall solution delivery framework. This becomes your vehicle to keep teams on the right path and dramatically reduce rework and missing value delivery.

Increase your odds of delivering the right value the first time, without costly rework and disappointed stakeholders. Build your highly mature requirements management practice now.

Executive summary

Your Challenge

  • Poor requirements are correlated with failed projects. Poor requirements are to blame for as much as 78% of project failures (ZipDo, 2024).
  • As more teams shift to Agile and hybrid methodologies, there is often a struggle to develop consistent practices for requirements management.
  • Often, business analysts (BAs), or the role tasked with business analysis or requirements management, haven’t developed the right competencies to successfully execute and add value.

Common Obstacles

You will struggle with requirements management if:

  • Elicitation procedures don’t exist, or they exist but aren’t followed.
  • You fail to allocate enough time to the analysis phase.
  • There isn't enough time and resource investment secured from stakeholders and SMEs.
  • There is no senior leadership mandate to fix requirements management.

These manifest as costly project rework and dissatisfied stakeholders who avoid working with you if they can.

Info-Tech’s Approach

  • Develop an outcome-based common framework for requirements management that works across teams and methodologies.
  • Standardize the management of evergreen requirements (requirements as an asset), not one-time change requirements.
  • Align requirements management with product backlog management and product delivery processes.
  • Develop a requirements management playbook that extends your solution delivery framework.

Insights summary

Contrary to popular belief, business analysis and requirements management are not dead. They are more important than ever in an environment of continual disruption and upheaval.

Good requirements practices are the key to unlocking project and product value and reducing technical debt.

Poor requirements are the number one reason that projects fail

  • Requirements gathering and management has been an ongoing issue for IT professionals for decades. Poor requirements are the primary source of avoidable and costly rework (Info-Tech Research Group’s CIO Business Vision diagnostic, n=324), and 78% of software projects that fail do so because of poor requirements management (Geneca, 2017).

Requirements are more than elicitation and documentation

  • When project teams focus solely on gathering and clarifying requirements, they become note-takers and documenters, missing the true purpose of analysis work. Getting things done isn’t as important as getting the right things done at the right time and for the right people.

Analysis isn’t just for product delivery, it is critical for product management

  • A business or systems analyst must be one of a product owner’s or product manager’s best friends. Analysis is the bridge between operational (business) needs and the solution development that will unlock value. Requirements management helps ensure that the changes are “ready” for development and prioritized for the highest ROI.
  • Managing requirements as an asset (as evergreen documentation in an always evolving current state) provides easier impact assessments, reduced time defining changes, and significantly less risk of requirements errors and omissions.

Requirements management reduces projects failure


78% of requirements are out of sync with stakeholder goals

(Geneca, 2017)


“There exists a Requirements Premium … organizations using poor practices spent 62% more on similarly sized projects than organizations using the best requirements practices.”

– Howard Podeswa, Requirements Engineering Magazine

Requirements define the solution. They must clearly articulate what is expected and serve as the blueprint for downstream activities, from development and testing to managing the adoption of change.

Getting to this point takes focus.

This is why maturing requirements management is critical to your continuous delivery and execution

“Requirements maturity is more important to project outcomes than methodology.”

– Keith Ellis, IAG Consulting

Many organizations would benefit from enhancing their business analysis maturity

The often-overlooked strategic value of the role comes with maturing your practices.

Only 18% of organizations have mature (optimized or established) business analysis practices.

With that higher level of maturity comes increased levels of capability, efficiency, and effectiveness in delivering value to people, processes, and technology. Through such efforts, teams are better equipped and able to connect the strategy of their organization to the projects, processes, and products they deliver.

Mature teams shift focus from “figuring business analysis out” to truly unleashing its potential, with business analysts contributing in strategic and tactical ways.

Business Analysis Maturity Pie-Graph. Shows percentage of organizations at each maturity level: (Optimized, Established, Improving, Starting, Ad hoc.)

Source: PMI, 2017

Info-Tech Insight

Business analysts are best suited to connect the strategic with the tactical, the systems, and the operations. They maintain the most objective lens regarding how people, process, and technology connect and relate, and the most skilled of them can remove bias and politics from their perspective.

How business analysis supports our success today

Delivering value at the tactical level

Effective business analysis guides an organization through improvements to processes, products, and services. Business analysts “straddle the line between IT and the business to help bridge the gap and improve efficiency” in an organization (CIO, 2023).

They are most heavily involved in:

  • Defining needs
  • Modeling concepts, processes, and solutions
  • Conducting analysis
  • Maintaining and managing requirements
  • Managing stakeholders
  • Monitoring progress
  • Doing business analysis planning
  • Conducting elicitation

By including a business analyst in a project, organizations benefit by:

(IAG Consulting, 2009)


Reducing time overruns


Preventing budget overspend


Reducing missed functionality

Use requirements to identify solution return on investment (ROI)

Requirements are key to product management success

Take a systems-thinking approach to solutions to ensure end-to-end value for end users aligned with the solution’s vision

  • Product requirements are the building blocks for all work and value delivered by an organization, whether they know it or not.
  • Think of requirements as the raw materials for your operations. Your quality is dependent on the “builder” and “building blocks.”
    • If your materials are of poor quality, your structure will be too.
    • If analysts (builders) lack the skills to use the materials effectively, your building design will underperform.
  • You need both high-quality requirements and expert analysts to build an organizational foundation that is built to last.

Strong stakeholder satisfaction with requirements management results in higher satisfaction in other areas

Bar graph showing %Higher Satisfaction versus High Satisfaction With Gathering, and Lower Satisfaction With Requirements Gathering.

Source: Info-Tech Research Group’s CIO Business Vision diagnostic; n=324 small organizations
High satisfaction indicates a score greater than or equal to eight out of ten, and lower satisfaction a score below eight.

What is requirements management?

Requirements management includes “[p]lanning, executing, monitoring, and controlling any or all of the work associated with requirements elicitation and collaboration, requirements analysis and design, and requirements life cycle management.”

– “Business Analysis Body of Knowledge,” IIBA, 2015

It is an end-to-end framework for ensuring;

  • The right questions are asked.
  • The right features are built.
  • The features built maximize stakeholder value.
  • Change is managed effectively.
  • Knowledge is maintained for the future.
Requirements Management Involves: Eliciting, Documenting, Analyzing, Maintaining, and Prioritizing.

Effective requirements management brings improved outcomes

Build the right features

Define what your users need and how best to engage with the solution.

Align with strategy

Ensure that what is being built into the solution “moves the needle” on achieving the strategic objectives of the organization. Otherwise, why build it?

Prevent scope creep

Define the boundaries of what you will and won’t include in solutions. This makes it easier to push back against stakeholders asking for “just one more feature.”

Avoid barriers

Support planning so that your project or product can avoid the many pitfalls and constraints that arise.

Adapted from Asana, 2024

There is a significant price to pay for poor requirements

(And we're not just talking figuratively!)

Poor requirements can result in increased effort, rework, defects, lower trust, low value, technical debt, costly production support, and little agility.


64% of defect costs could be avoided during the analysis and design phases

(Crosstalk, cited in Deloitte, 2022).

Increase In Costs To Address Poor Requirements. Line graph shows Graphs for Average, Low, and High the Cost Multiplier versus Requirements(Formulating requirements, Architecture Design, Development, Testing, and Operations).

Source: PPM Express, 2022

Address the causes of poor requirements

Retrospectives must be actionable and address the causes of poor requirements management. This isn’t a product/project issue. This is an enterprise risk and constraint issue.

Root Causes of Poor Requirements Gathering:

  • Requirements elicitation procedures don’t exist.
  • Requirements procedures exist but aren’t followed.
  • There isn't enough time allocated to the analysis phase.
  • There isn't enough investment secured from stakeholders and SMEs.
  • There is no senior leadership mandate to fix requirements management.

Outcomes of Poor Requirements Gathering:

  • Delays, rework, and costly overruns.
  • Poor deliverable quality.
  • Delayed feature implementation and value realization.
  • Low feature utilization.
  • Low stakeholder and end-user trust and satisfaction.

Requirements are a balancing act


Collaborating with subject matter experts and delivery team leads is necessary to define and validate requirements. Work with their limited availability.


Stakeholders and the delivery team must be kept informed throughout the requirements lifecycle. Provide the right information to the right people at the right time.


Recording, organizing, and validating requirements are essential and must be right-sized to avoid slowing the time to delivery.


Control points establish your “Definition of Done” for the timely gathering, analysis, and validation of product requirements.

Enhance Your Business Analysis Ecosystem. There's more to business than requirements. Business analysis connects the business, from strategy to tactics, systems, operations and processes.

Leverage Info-Tech’s proven Requirements Gathering Framework as the basis for building requirements processes

IT Requirements Gathering Framework Flowchart. Plan, Monitor, Communicate, and Manage Applications that Deliver Business Value.

Info-Tech’s Requirements Gathering Framework is a comprehensive approach to requirements management that can be scaled to any size of project or organization. This framework has been extensively road-tested with our clients to ensure that it balances the needs of IT and business stakeholders to give a holistic, end-to-end approach for requirements gathering. It covers the foundational issues (elicitation, analysis, and validation) and prescribes techniques for planning, monitoring, communicating, and managing the requirements gathering process.

Don’t forget the importance of training

When creating the process for requirements management, think about how it will be executed by your BAs and what the composition of your business analysis team should look like. A strong business analysis professional needs to serve as an effective facilitator, mediator, and designer, maximizing value delivered to all areas of the organization.

What are some core competencies of a good BA?

  • Strong stakeholder management skills
  • Strong facilitation and elicitation skills
  • Ability to ask relevant probing questions to uncover the unstated needs of stakeholders
  • Experience with a variety of tools, tactics, and techniques

To ensure alignment of your BAs to the requirements management process, undertake a formal skills assessment to identify areas where analysts are strong and areas that should be targeted for training and skills development.

Training your BAs on the requirements management practice is essential; you need to get them on the same page to ensure consistency and repeatability of the requirements process.

Consider implementing a mentorship program between senior and junior BAs or investing in foundational training to lay a solid foundation for or close gaps in your requirements management practice.

Info-Tech’s methodology for requirements management

Phase Activities

1. Understand the Value and Benefit of Requirements Management

1.1 Understand Your Current State

1.2 Establish Metrics

1.3 Define Your Project Levels

1.4 Define the Process

1.5 Define Roles

2. Define Your Elicitation Process

2.1 Define Your Challenge

2.2 Identify Stakeholders

2.3 Understand and Document Elicitation Techniques

2.4 Create a Requirements Management Elicitation and Analysis Plan

3. Analyze and Validate Your Requirements

3.1 Analyze Your Requirements

3.2 Categorize Your Requirements

3.3 Prioritize Your Requirements

3.4 Model Your Requirements

3.5 Validate Your Requirements

3.6 Plan Stakeholder Communication

4. Manage Requirements Change and Governance

4.1 Develop a Change Control Process

4.2 Build Guidelines for Escalating Changes

5. Plan Your Move to Your Target State

5.1 Define Target-State Maturity

5.2 Identify and Close Gaps to Mature Requirements Practice

Phase Outcomes

  • A current-state assessment of your Agile requirements practice
  • An understanding of and appreciation for existing challenges in requirements management
  • Goals and metrics for your requirements management process
  • Requirements management project levels
  • Initial requirements process and RACI
  • A clearly defined problem statement or project
  • A completed stakeholder map for your project or program
  • Scenarios for requirements gathering guidelines
  • Elicitation framework
  • List of requirements to categorize and prioritize
  • A list of categorized and consolidated requirements
  • A prioritized list of requirements
  • A collection of user stories
  • Example requirements models
  • Requirements management activities defined by project level
  • A completed stakeholder communication plan
  • Reference change control process
  • Change control escalation process
  • A revised current- and target-state assessment of your requirements management practice
  • A list of improvements to your requirements management practice, ready to be prioritized
  • A prioritized action plan to improve your requirements management maturity

Blueprint tools and templates

Each step of this blueprint is accompanied by supporting deliverables to help you accomplish your goals:

Requirements Management Maturity Assessment

Helps establish your current maturity level, define your target state, and plan how to get there.

Requirements Management Workbook

Supporting tools and templates to advance your requirements management practice.

Key deliverable:

Requirements Management Playbook

A practical playbook for aligning your teams and articulating the guidelines for managing requirements within your team and organization.

Info-Tech offers various levels of support to best suit your needs

DIY Toolkit

“Our team has already made this critical project a priority, and we have the time and capability, but some guidance along the way would be helpful.”

Guided Implementation

“Our team knows that we need to fix a process, but we need assistance to determine where to focus. Some check-ins along the way would help keep us on track.”


“We need to hit the ground running and get this project kicked off immediately. Our team has the ability to take this over once we get a framework and strategy in place.”

Executive & Technical Counseling

“Our team and processes are maturing; however, to expedite the journey we’ll need a seasoned practitioner to coach and validate approaches, deliverables, and opportunities.”


“Our team does not have the time or the knowledge to take this project on. We need assistance through the entirety of this project.”

Diagnostics and consistent frameworks are used throughout all five options.

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Start Value Delivery With the Right Requirements

Play Webinar

Embrace business analysis at the speed and scale of your organization.

About Info-Tech

Info-Tech Research Group is the world’s fastest-growing information technology research and advisory company, proudly serving over 30,000 IT professionals.

We produce unbiased and highly relevant research to help CIOs and IT leaders make strategic, timely, and well-informed decisions. We partner closely with IT teams to provide everything they need, from actionable tools to analyst guidance, ensuring they deliver measurable results for their organizations.


Overall Impact

Average $ Saved

Average Days Saved

After each Info-Tech experience, we ask our members to quantify the real-time savings, monetary impact, and project improvements our research helped them achieve.

Read what our members are saying

What Is a Blueprint?

A blueprint is designed to be a roadmap, containing a methodology and the tools and templates you need to solve your IT problems.

Each blueprint can be accompanied by a Guided Implementation that provides you access to our world-class analysts to help you get through the project.


Need Extra Help?
Speak With An Analyst

Get the help you need in this 1-phase advisory process. You'll receive 11 touchpoints with our researchers, all included in your membership.

  • Call 1: Scope vision, objectives, and specific challenges and assign maturity assessment.
  • Call 2: Discuss current-state maturity and challenges.
  • Call 3: Identify goals and metrics.
  • Call 4: Discuss your process levels and the requirements process.
  • Call 5: Define roles and responsibilities.
  • Call 6: Discuss stakeholder identification and analysis.
  • Call 7: Discuss stakeholder engagement and elicitation techniques.
  • Call 8: Plan stakeholder communication.
  • Call 9: Discuss requirements quality and prioritization.
  • Call 10: Discuss managing change in requirements and assign target-state maturity assessment.
  • Call 11: Discuss target maturity assessment and plan closing gaps.


Vince Mirabelli

Hans Eckman

Search Code: 58877
Last Revised: September 26, 2024

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